Welcome to netgrafio's documentation! ===================================== Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 apidoc/web apidoc/lib Components ========================= In order to understand how **netgrafio** works have a look at the following graph: .. graphviz:: digraph foo { TCPServer [shape = box, style = filled, color = yellow]; WebSocketServer [shape = box, style = filled, color = yellow]; FlaskApp [shape = box, style = filled, color = yellow]; "netgrafio" -> "TCP Socket"; "netgrafio" -> "Web Socket"; "netgrafio" -> "Web Application"; edge [color = red]; "TCP Socket" -> TCPServer; "Web Socket" -> WebSocketServer; "Web Application" -> FlaskApp; edge [color = green]; TCPServer -> "lib/TCPServer.py"; WebSocketServer -> "lib/WebSocketServer.py"; FlaskApp -> "lib/WebServer.py"; FlaskApp -> "web/FlaskApp.py"; FlaskApp -> "web/core/*"; FlaskApp -> "web/mod_*/*" } Quickstart ========================= Make sure you have installed all the requirements on your system (specified in **README.md**). Afterwards you can clone this project:: $ git clone https://github.com/nullsecuritynet/netgrafio $ cd netgrafio Now you'll need to setup a isolated python environment using *virtualenv*:: $ virtualenv env Using base prefix '/usr' New python executable in env/bin/python3 Also creating executable in env/bin/python Installing setuptools, pip...done. Make sure to activate the virtual environment:: $ source env/bin/activate Having set the virtualenv environment let's install some missing packages:: $ pip install -r env/requirements.pip Now you're ready to start netgrafion and have some fun. These are the basic parameters:: $ python netgrafio.py -h usage: netgrafio.py [-h] [--tcp-port TCP_PORT] [--ws-port WS_PORT] [--web-port WEB_PORT] [--host HOST] netgrafio - visualize your network optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --tcp-port TCP_PORT Specify TCP port to listen for JSON packets (default: 8081) --ws-port WS_PORT Specify WebSocket port to send JSON data to (default: 8080) --web-port WEB_PORT Specify web port to server web application (default: 5000) --host HOST Specify host to bind socket on (default: If you start netgrafio without any arguments, then you'll have a * *TCP-Socket* listening on port 8081 * *WebSocket* listening on port 8080 * *Web-Application* available at http://localhost:5000 After starting **netgrafio**:: $ python netgrafio.py 2014-04-24 16:18:12,984 - INFO - [WebSocketServer] - Starting WebSocket server on port 8080 2014-04-24 16:18:12,984 - INFO - [WebSocketServer] - Start collector server 2014-04-24 16:18:12,985 - INFO - [WebSocketServer] - Waiting for incoming data ... 2014-04-24 16:18:12,989 - INFO - [WebServer] - Listening on 5000 2014-04-24 16:18:12,989 - INFO - [TCPServer] - Listening on 8081 Now open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000 D3 Graph ========================= This section describes the basic API of *d3.graph.min.js*. It describes how to build a graph using D3. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 .. js:class:: D3Graph(container) Create a new D3 graph. :param string container: Specify the element in the DOM where to show the graph :returns: Instance of class *D3Graph* (SVG element) Example:: myGraph = new D3Graph("#myElement"); .. js:function:: D3Graph.init() Initialize the graph. Example:: myGraph.init() .. js:function:: D3Graph.start() Start the graph. Example:: myGraph.start() .. js:class:: D3GraphController(d3graph) Control the D3 graph. :param D3Graph d3graph: Object of type D3Graph. :returns: Instance of class *D3GraphController* Example:: myGraph = new D3Graph("#myElement"); graphController = new D3GraphController(myGraph); .. js:function:: D3GraphController.addNode(nodeObject) Add new node to the graph. :param object nodeObject: Node object to be added to the graph Example:: nodeObject = { "id": "some_unique_id" ,"class": "blue" ,"name": "This is my fancy name" }; graphController.addNode(nodeObject); .. js:function:: D3GraphController.findNode(id) Find node by ID. :param number id: ID of node to look up. :returns: If found the node object is returned. .. js:function:: D3GraphController.addLink(linkObject) Add new link between 2 nodes. :param object linkObject: Link object Example:: // Add nodes nodeObjectA = { "id": "A" ,"class": "A" ,"name": "B" }; nodeObjectB = { "id": "B" ,"class": "B" ,"name": "B" }; // Add link var linkObject = { "source": nodeObjectA.id, "target": nodeObjectB.id, "linkclass": "dotted" } graphController.addNode(nodeObjectA); graphController.addNode(nodeObjectB); graphController.addLink(linkObject); .. js:function:: D3GraphController.findLink(linkObject) Find link by link object. :param object linkObject: Should contain *source* and *target* :returns: If found the link object is returned. Example:: nodeObjectA = {"id": "A"} nodeObjectB = {"id": "B"} ... var linkObject = {"source": nodeObjectA, "target": nodeObjectB} searched_link = findLink(linkObject) ... .. js:function:: D3GraphController.getNodes() Get array of nodes. :returns: Array containing all node objects .. js:function:: D3GraphController.getLinks() Get array of links. :returns: Array containing all link objects .. js:function:: D3GraphController.update() Update graph. Wrapper for *D3Graph.update()*. .. js:function:: D3GraphController.start() Start graph. Wrapper for *D3Graph.start()*. TCPServer ========================= .. automodule:: lib.TCPServer :members: WebSocketServer ========================= .. automodule:: lib.WebSocketServer :members: WebServer ========================= .. automodule:: lib.WebServer :members: Flask application ========================= .. automodule:: web.FlaskApp :members: Screenshots ========================= .. figure:: images/netgrafio_mod_traceroute.png *Do a traceroute using netgrafio* .. figure:: images/netgrafio_mod_analysis.png *Analyze your network traffic (LIVE!)* .. figure:: images/netgrafio_mod_nmap.png *Visualize your NMap scanning results* Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`